Our Experience Flying with xScreen

Our Experience Flying with xScreen

There seems to be a lot of interest in is using the xScreen for Xbox Series S in-flight so we thought we would summarise our experiences to date for you. 
10 Feb 2022 Reading Our Experience Flying with xScreen 2 minutes Next Stock Availability

Hi Everyone,

Now that xScreen is out in the wild we are hearing some amazing feedback and couldn't be happier with what our customers are saying.  One use case there seems to be a lot of interest in is using the xScreen in-flight so we thought we would summarise our experiences to date for you. 

The Xbox plus xScreen uses around 75 - 80W power at peak while playing games (see this YouTube video for our testing - https://youtu.be/hhX_vXJ96hQ) so if the power source doesn't allow that then it's not going to work.  Modern commercial aircraft seem to allow up to 100W power per seat and everything works great.  With older planes however it can be hit and miss with some seeming to limit power availability to 75W or even lower.  If you are on a flight and you try to use the xScreen + Xbox and it won't turn on, this is most likely the reason (unless you are really unlucky and happen to have a seat where the power is just out).

To date we have tested on the following flights:

- 3 domestic US American Airlines flights, all of which it worked perfectly on

- 2 Qantas International flights, one newer plane where it worked and one older where it didn't (that was a long flight! 😭)

- 1 domestic US United Airlines flight where it did not work

- 1 domestic US Jet Blue flight where it did not work

So as you can see we are 4 out of 7 but landing on a view that it seems American Airlines might be the safest choice if you are flying domestic in the US and otherwise try to find flights that are using newer aircraft.

Please let us know your findings in the comments.

Thanks everyone

UPspec Gaming Team

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